A finance coach is a money coach who is an expert on personal finance. A finance coach is very knowledgeable about savings, credit, debt, budgeting and spending habit. A Finance coach will work with you to improve your money management skill.
A finance coach will take a look at your overall financial health and help you accumulate wealth, reduce debt, plan for your retirement or manage your credit situation. A coach will use a holistic approach to help manage and design the right financial plan for you. This will include your current life stage, work-life balance and other life challenges that could impact your finances. The coach will listen to you and help you make the right financial decisions. Financial freedom is a mental, emotional and an educational process.
What will a financial coach do for you?
Work with you for 3-6 months to create an achievable budget
- Spend the time to know you and all aspects of your personal finance
- Coach you through savings, credit management, freedom from debt and wealth development
- Design and help you execute a strategy to get out of debt
- Hold your hands through your financial journey
- Help you track your expenses and balance your chequebook
A financial planner works for the bank while a finance coach works for you. A finance coach will look at you personal life goals and help you match those goals with your financial strategies. Because you are paying a finance coach for the service, you will be in the driver's seat.
Feel free to email me at margmortgages@gmail.com or call 780 901 8060
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